Monday, February 4, 2013

Speed speaks

The Clarion-Ledger published a letter from a Mr. Leland Speed concerning downtown Jackson:

"Our capitol city has a real problem. Its core — downtown, a big piece of its tax base — is hurting. Today there are nine empty major buildings downtown. Rental rates and values have basically collapsed. I expect that Jackson has the highest office vacancy rate in this nation.

For example, the Landmark building containing 353,000 square feet is empty. To build it today would cost over $90 million. It is for sale for $7.4 million. That is seven point four, not 74.

The State Department of Revenue which is relocating from south of Clinton could fit in the Landmark building with over 100,000 square feet to spare. Other state office needs can be economically met by using these existing buildings.

We have it within our power to reverse this downward trend. Downtown housing may be the strongest single need of the metro real estate market. Further development in this area, along with conversions of existing buildings for residential use can aid in redeveloping the capitol city’s economy and tax base.

Please everybody, we’ve got a problem, but if we work together we can fix it. The state — as well as the metro area — needs a healthy capital city.

Leland R. Speed


The Landmark building was for sale a year ago at a price of $14 million. It is now $7.4 million. Nine major buildings downtown are pretty much empty and the vacancy rate is nearly 40%. Let that sink into your head. Nearly 40%. The question in my mind is will the law of supply and demand operate in downtown Jackson. Will the lower rents attract more tenants as happened in Detroit? There is no mistaking it: the real estate market in downtown Jackson has collapsed. The question is what can be done about it, if anything.  Something to ask the candidates as they run for Mayor.


Anonymous said...

As an investor I have looked at several buildings in the downtown area. On one hand I see some real potential- on the other I see a Mayor and city council that don't have a clue. I, as well as ,other investors are willing to purchase/lease property and hold or develop it if I could just see light at the end of the tunnel. Currently that light is no where to be seen.

Anonymous said...

And haters in 1,2,3.......people who have done nothing for their community and do not have the class the Leland has.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with jackson is people who watch tv or read this blog quickly realize that the local political scene is laughable at best. I was at the hinds county courthouse the night mr. Stokes was elected for his first office. I was working and came in and saw this big guy dressed head to toe in purple with a hat that matched with a feather in it. He looked like a pimp and his wife was next to him was a grown woman dressed head to toe in a sailor outfit including hat ( she now holds an elected office). My first thought was what the hell are these two clowns doing here the jail is next door and visiting hours have to be over. A few minutes later I discovered that he was in fact a candidate and was going to win. I watch with a detached interest these days but most of these individuals down there dont speak english in the basic 9th grade level yet they hold college and law degrees ? If you see these things as facts and meet some of these people on a professional level you would never consider locating anything in our capital city.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with jackson is people who watch tv or read this blog quickly realize that the local political scene is laughable at best. I was at the hinds county courthouse the night mr. Stokes was elected for his first office. I was working and came in and saw this big guy dressed head to toe in purple with a hat that matched with a feather in it. He looked like a pimp and his wife was next to him was a grown woman dressed head to toe in a sailor outfit including hat ( she now holds an elected office). My first thought was what the hell are these two clowns doing here the jail is next door and visiting hours have to be over. A few minutes later I discovered that he was in fact a candidate and was going to win. I watch with a detached interest these days but most of these individuals down there dont speak english in the basic 9th grade level yet they hold college and law degrees ? If you see these things as facts and meet some of these people on a professional level you would never consider locating anything in our capital city.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Speed is and has been a great businessman in the City of Jackson but he needs to disclose that as goes the downtown area so does his investments in it. I do not think he voiced his concern purely out of self interest but it would certainly be a factor. Also he discusses tax bas but the State Moving into the building(if they buy) would remove a potential tax base as they do not pay taxes. The number of people would help businesses down town but the city wouldnt realize any tax advantage. I also agree that the city leadership makes it almost impossible for someone to invest downtown.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Speed is simply being a realist. It doesn't matter who is paying rent as long as someone is paying rent. The more people that have to drive into downtown, the more money is spent downtown.

The problem is that Mr. Speed realizes that, right now, the only potential entities that would lease space downtown is government. The city of Jackson is and has been so anti-business and has been so enamored with racial issues that it's cut it's nose of to spite it's face.

It's not just about the businesses the city has ran off, it's also about the potential businesses that might would have located here.

No interest means relying on the next best thing, government renters.

Anonymous said...

There is no obligation for the rest of Mississippi outside of Jackson to save a city that can't heal itself. You don't treat an alcoholic with more alcohol or drug addict with more drugs.

Shadowfax said...

The yahoo (and jock strap toter) @ 8:21 must sit on a whoopee cushion that goes off anytime the name Speed is posted. Mr. Speed, for his own good reasons, has every right to be a cheerleader for a reborn Jackson. Likewise, people who have money to invest have a similar right, for their own good reasons to stay the hell away from the place.

The mantra that we all need to pull together for a new and safe Jackson is wasted energy no matter who leads the singing.

And any objection or counter argument offered up in response to Speed is characterized (by yahoos and jock-strap toters) as anti business and 'hatin on Ole Leland'. It's like the civil rights activists thirty years ago whose mantra was that all of us ought to come together and sacrifice our children for the good of failing public schools, under some sort of social experiment.

Who among us feels an obligation to sacrifice our children, our safety, our financial resources on mantras, slogans and failed revitalization strategies?

Now, from the jockstrap guy in 3-2-1.....

Anonymous said...

[Ben] Allen emphasized that he and others have proved naysayers about the city's potential wrong, pointing to his own role in promoting the Jackson Convention Center and the King Edward. "I'm not a cheerleader. I'm a damn prophet," he said to laughter.

- Jackson Free Press
- April 1, 2011

Anonymous said...

I'm a local engineer and I regularly submit plans to local agencies for approval. I deal with boards (such as city aldermen or county supervisors). I also deal with staff (planning and zoning departments, city or county engineers, etc.). These plans are residential subdivisions, commercial siteplans, rezoning requests, etc. In the local area I have dealt with Clinton, Ridgeland, Madison, Jackson, Flowood, Canton, Richland, and Pearl. I have also dealt with Madison County, Rankin County, and Hinds County. I will say that the City of Jackson is by far the worst to deal with. They are slow, they are incompetent, they lose the info you send them, etc. It is a broken system and they have no desire to have new and nice development. They are not customer-friendly in any way. Madison, Ridgeland, Clinton, Madison and Rankin Counties, are all fine people to deal with. They have rules, but will aid you in following them and are welcoming to the customer.

Anonymous said...

But, but, but did you hear about the three houses in NE Jackson?

Anonymous said...

If you look at the current slate running for Mayor, it can get a whole lot worse.

Anonymous said...

That is a fact 10:41 on the potential candidates!

Anonymous said...

Harvey Johnson new campaign slogan: No Hope and No Change

Shadowfax said...

This post is not more nay-saying, but it's what I think is a hard and fast reality. As I've said for years, it's all about jobs. Getting your friends, relatives, and daughters of friends employed in these government jobs all over the county, including Jackson, with minimal experience and qualification, if any at all.

When that is the objective, what suffers ever time will be competency, performance and delivery. It's as if the leadership has no real vision and not enough sense to see this has happened. Kim Wade has said the same thing for at least ten years. Same as was said above by the engineer.

Will somebody please print and thumbtack that comment on some city and county bulletin boards. And, if the board is too small, tack it on top of the black history month articles.

Anonymous said...

You mean Whole Foods isn't going to pay their army of clerks and checkers $50,000 salaries with extensive benefits to mist down their over-priced produce?

Say it ain't so.

Anonymous said...

@shadowfax. I will get right on that. Everyone needs to know your opinion along with the information you can provide about Speed's jock-strap and who totes it.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see your opinion too 12:19. I'll tote it if you'll quit sniffing it.

Anonymous said...

First, Leland does not have an economic interest in downtown anymore.

There are many more than than 3 houses under construction or renovation in NE Jackson.

Anonymous said...

"And any objection or counter argument offered up..."

That is all SF has to say......objections and negative comments.

Anonymous said...

Dummies. Everyone knows the future of Jackson is METROCENTER. I know this because Donna Ladd and the JFP crowd hosted a great big party there just last week, and it was so pretty and awesome. And now that Harvey Johnson has re-located the Water Department and hundreds of other city employees there, you have absolutely no excuse not to go. It's hip, it's urban. And oh yeah, it did so much for downtown Jackson when it was first built, like, 40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

The question in my mind is will the law of supply and demand operate in downtown Jackson.

I would argue that it is, and has been.

Anonymous said...

There is no parking. Many of the cheap lots we used to park in, are gone.Unless the state provides free parking, that's just another pay cut if they move downtown. Even in the 90's it was $65 to park in the large garage.

Anonymous said...

403 parking is included in the proposal. KEEP UP.

Anonymous said...

Of those many, many houses under renovation in NE Jackson, just how many of those are foreclosed housed being prepped for renters and how many are actual homeowners? I would be willing to bet that they are for the rental market. The taxes would be collected, of course, but there's a world of difference between renting and owning.
4:03 is on target about the lack of free parking. Or just parking in general.

Shadowfax said...

I beg the pardon of 12:58. I went to Academy Sports today to purchase ammunition for under-the- counter use at a storefront I rent. For those of you who work in Jacktown high-rises and head north after dark, Academy is in Jackson. As I was leaving the parking lot, I noticed a "SPEED- For Lease" 4x8 foot sign hanging on the building that used to be a Christian bookstore in that shopping center. It's insincere to claim Speed has no economic interest in (downtown) Jackson. Oh, but that's NOT downtown or Oh, but that's a family member's sign..... Right. And if I saw this one by accident, I'm sure there are similar signs all over the hood.

Anonymous said...

You know, 2:17, you joke about that but you make a salient point. The city government just rode to the rescue of Metrocenter by buying up half the mall and relocating a bunch of city employees. Now, Speed seems to be suggesting that state government should occupy Landmark. Shouldn't we be trying to bring in taxpaying entities?

Also, what does this say about proposed new construction in the downtown area, such as Old Capitol Green? Do we need to propose and fund new construction with so many existing buildings sitting empty?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we be trying to bring in taxpaying entities?

Jackson's downtown strategy is a complete and total failure. No letters from Mr. Speed or Team Jackson hypola from BS artist Ben Allen changes that fact.

The "redevelopment" of downtown Jackson is a still-born Ponzi scheme built on massive amounts of long term indebtedness and tax kickbacks as the paying tax base was, and remains, in flight.

Downtown Jackson is nothing less than a foolhardy fleecing of public tax dollars to fund pipe dreams the private sector won't touch.

The idea that Jackson was somehow going to be magically transformed into some high demand tourist destination/convention mecca -- coupled with the totally unchallenged spin (really fraud) that a flood of low tax-yielding "creatives" were going to return downtown following Richard Florida riding tall on a financial rescue horse -- was intellectually dishonest folly from the outset.

Goodbye Jackson, you've done it to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Haley Barbour DID NOT RECOMMEND THE PURCHASE of the Landmark building.

Anonymous said...

4:44.....unless these are 5 bedroom plus rentals, I'd say they are signs of progress.

Anonymous said...

Put up or shut up February 4, 2013 at 6:47 PM. List the addresses.

Team Jackson Spotlight said...

Leland Speed compares Jackustan to Detroit:

"Health care is now our number one industry. But the downtown core city is hurting. We have seen an exodus of companies and even government operations, from our core city and today we may have the highest office vacancy rate in the United States, in the core city Detroit might be higher."

And to listen to Leland, the David Blounts and Ben Allens of Mississippi it is the responsibility of Mississippi's taxpayers to apply a band-aid to Jackson's multi-decades old problems of denial and incompetence.

Anonymous said...

Start out on eastover drive at ridge wood and head will see plenty

Anonymous said...

There is one thing for sure. Jackson will soon be growing again. It won't be because of any of the current idiots we have elected, it wont' be because of the racism that the blacks utilize to keep themselves down in spite of telling their constituents the opposite, it won't be because of downtown and it's success or failure, it won't be because of the Dept. of Revenue locating in Jackson.

No, the one thing that assures Jackson's future success is all of the douchebags that live outside of the city who can't take a breath without bitching and moaning about someone or something else and providing no effort to improve or even act like they would like to see things improved. It's these same doucebags who keep those suburbs of Jackson fragmented and not only fighting against Jackson, but fighting against each other and themselves.

I've lived in Jackson all my life and in the past 30 years I haven't seen one single individual publicly opine their desire to see any type of cooperation amongst the metro area.

Get over yourselves and your juvenile bickering, be men and call a douchebag a douchebag when you see him, but, damn, then shake his hand and ask him what the hell you can do together to get things going in the right damn direction.

Anonymous said...

I see a douchebag @ February 4, 2013 at 8:44 PM.

Jackustan's Murder Rate HIGHER Than Chicago said...

CHICAGO (CBS) – Starting this week, Chicago police are changing their responses to 911 calls. They’ll no longer come right away to reports of things like criminal damage to property, vehicle thefts, garage burglaries, or other crimes in which the suspect is no longer on the scene, and the victim isn’t in immediate danger.

Anonymous said...

I have said this before and I'll say it again. Downtown Jackson makes NO sense. And before the whiny babies scream "RACISM!" or "HATER!" or "DOUCHEBAG!", let me say I neither enjoy nor relish seeing Jackson go downhill, but an objective look at the situation just doesn't buttress the notion that has been presented by several parties.

Jackson is a small city. As such, downtown is easily accessible from even the most remote suburb. I can live on 5 acres in the country and still get downtown in half an hour. That is, if I need to get downtown. As Speed mentions, NINE buildings are empty downtown. These are buildings that formerly housed offices and other businesses, but have no tenants because fewer jobs are located downtown. Law firms, CPAs, stock brokers, even banks are moving out. It's a simple fact. Any of us can name a professional organization that used to be downtown but is no longer. If you need help, here are a few: Horne CPA Group, Cellular South, Butler Snow. The list goes on.

But assuming I do work downtown, what does it benefit me to move there? The commute is rather short, but accessing anything else requires me to drive out of downtown. If I want to eat, I have about four choices after 2 pm. I have to drive out to access groceries, prescriptions, shopping, movies, auto repair, physicians, cleaning, hardware, fast food, etc. Granted, much of this can be found about five miles away in Belhaven, but why not just move to that neighborhood? Housing is cheaper than the rental cost of King Edward, there's more of a sense of community, and the commute to downtown is still a breeze.

Businesses have tried, but just can't get traction downtown. It's not even crime (perception or otherwise) that deters business. It's lack of customers. The hip, artsy crowd has chosen Fondren for their vintage boutiques and eclectic eateries. The suburban moms shop at Dogwood or Renaissance or Northpark or Highland Village. There are few retail customers left for the downtown business.

I lived in NE Jackson until 2004. I was five minutes from Jitney, Northpark, Rite Aid, I-55, Jackson Academy, Home Depot, Tico's, etc. My mortgage payment was half what Standard Life wants for a flat that's 300 sqft smaller than my old house. Why would I uproot my family and move downtown to pay more for less space and be farther removed from all the goods and services I use regularly? How many people would upgrade their access to all such things by moving downtown? In this city, very few.

No one has been able to show me a tangible benefit of living downtown, for ANY person. The best I heard is a romantic appeal to the cool factor, but once the cool wears off, the reality of inconvenience sets in. I know at least two people who bought into the romance of a hip, trendy downtown community and moved into the King Edward. They left within a year. These were young guys who wanted it to work, but after a while they realized there was nothing for them, even on the weekends.

You don't build a trendy, eclectic downtown and then put out a sign telling the hipsters it's now open for business. Such communities evolve and are generally built and promoted by the locals, not some developer trying to force a vision. Fondren is a good example of such. Downtown is not, and even if they eventually get BB King's to open on Farish, it still won't make sense to live there.

Anonymous said...

According to their websites, the King Edward offers a maximum 1107 sqft 2br/2ba for $1725/month. Standard Life offers a maximum 1263 sqft 2br/2ba for $2025/month.

On Zillow, a 3100 sqft 5br/4ba house in Belhaven on Manship St (approx. 2 miles away) is listed at $345,000. Estimated mortgage is $1235/month.

Now, someone please explain the sensible economics of living downtown.

Shadowfax said...

How can it be claimed that Speed Properties has "no economic interest" in Jackson any more? There are Speed signs hanging in the windows of vacant storefronts. I saw one yesterday hanging in the window of the boarded up book store property out in front of Academy on the Jacktown side of County Line Road.

Shadumbassfax said...

Speed Properties is Jeff Speed, not Leland.

Anonymous said...

@8:44 your post is on point. I can't understand why some of these people are actually cheering on the demise of the core of the metro area. The guy that posted at 6:14 last night is a prime example. I can only speculate as to why, but it's like they would prefer to be suburbs of nothing than to have a vibrant Jackson. In any event, a good self-image is vital to the health of any community, and they accomplish nothing good by constantly talking trash about Jackson. Politicians like Lumumba and perpetrators of crime are only part of the problem - these douchebags play an important part as well.

As for your point that Jackson will start to grow again, it already has in terms of population. The population has grown by 2,000 people since 2010, reversing a trend of population decline that has plagued the city since the 1980's, not arguing that it will last (which unlike some of the people on here, I hope it does), but it is a positive.

Anonymous said...

For those questioning downtown housing, the best argument that can be made is that it is full with a waiting list. The market is speaking.

Shadowfax said...

Jeeze; I'm sorry. Who could have thought that the man who put his son in the business of moving property could have any personal interest in seeing property move in the venue where the son's signs hang? Palm slap to forehead. Ole Leland's interest cannot be anything but unselfish philanthropy and volunteerism. And thanks to the jock sniffer for the family-heads-up.

Not cheering for demise here. Only cheering for a little honesty and openness and less bullshit.

Anonymous said...

The housing is downtown Jackson is taxpayer subsidized. Backdoor housing stipends to create a perception of affordability.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO. Driving down Eastover Drive is the proof of Jackson's housing boom? LOL

Anonymous said...

Mississippians should care about their capitol city and want it to succeed.

Whether it is the IBC or people coming to deal with the Governor and State government, it is the first and often ONLY impression others get of Mississippi. First impressions matter if you want to attract business to our State.

The former Tax Commission would bring in people who are buying lunch and needing shoe repair and dry cleaning etc. Warm bodies of consumers work. AND, it makes sense for state government agencies to be near the Capitol Building and other State offices.

One of the things people from other places pick up on after first being impressed by our hospitality, is that we are our own worst enemies and instead of admiring those who have proven success and expertise and have contributions to make, like Mr. Speed, we knock them down . They see us as people who have glasses that are always half empty rather than half full.

Also, we don't seem to understand that you do not persuade or educate other humans or bring them around to your way of thinking by attacking and bullying. Instead, you win their trust and respect. The art of diplomacy is letting someone else have your way!

We need to stop bitching and start problem solving. Offer positive ideas instead of criticism. Be part of a solution.

All of you could have stayed and encouraged others to come and run for office and got involved ,but instead you ran like cowards.

meople said...

I'll say this for the last time... The population of the tricounty are cannot support a metro and a suburb. The mathematics are easy. You can't compare our city to Detroit or any other metro due to our significant disadvantage in population. This disadvantage applies to the convention center, Farish Street, and every other pipe dream the mayor/city council has. The only decent idea I have ever heard from this administration was a "green zone" but mayor Harvey even had it screwed up by having it around the JSU area (not a strong tax base there). If he would put it in the old precinct 5 jurisdiction (the only tax base left in the metro) it would be the first step to saving the city. Green zone = safe zone.

Anonymous said...

Calling people cowards is very diplomatic.

Anonymous said...

Mississippians should care about their capitol city and want it to succeed.

Jacksonians should care about their city and force dramatic political+structural changes first before asking Mississippians for another bailout.

Anonymous said...

OK cowards, on three, a chorus of Kumbaya for 9:16.

9:16 just doesn't get it that you don't continue to swim upstream in a shit canal after your arms have given out and you've endured it for a decade or more personally. Eventually you want to get over to shore and wash up. And find another pond.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Speed is NOT Leland's son. I know his sons and Jeff is not one of them. Please get your facts straight who ever you are Mr Shadowfax. .

meople said...

for that fact leland is not leland's son. i know this because i was wrong about it for years. and i apologize for any wrong doing i did to lelands family.

on a side note jeff and little leland are brothers

Anonymous said...

"Palm slap to forehead" hahahaha.

@9:46 AM, the swimming comment is perfect.

Anonymous said...

All of you could have stayed and encouraged others to come and run for office and got involved ,but instead you ran like cowards.

ruined the rest of your comment.

unproductive, at best

Anonymous said...

The population of the tricounty are cannot support a metro and a suburb

what is a metro and a suburb?

a metropolitan areas is a dense urban area surrounded by suburbs, ala Jackson Metro Area

meople said...

dam you can even answer your own questions... in print i may add. the metropolitan area would be the urban area and the suburb would be the surrounding area...Therefore the current population of the tricounty area cannot support both the metropolitan area and the suburban are at the sametime. just incase you were still confused.

Anonymous said...

For those questioning downtown housing, the best argument that can be made is that it is full with a waiting list. The market is speaking.

Fine, then there's a large building available for $7 million on the corner of Capitol and Lamar that's ready to be remodeled.

I am very skeptical about these full buildings with waiting lists. I'm not sure I buy the "subsidized housing" line. More likely there are people waiting for the cheaper apartments while more costly units go empty.

If all the units in both KE and SL were really sold out with waiting lists, then there would be several developers working to meet that need with new construction. The Edison Walthall is a perfect candidate for such housing, but no one's jumping at that.

Here's what needs to be answered:
- Are the King Edward and Standard Life buildings full, i.e. are all units of all sizes rented with zero vacancy?
- Is there a waiting list at each facility for any available unit and how long are these lists?
- Are the trends toward downtown residency such that new development will not cannibalize existing buildings?

Malcolm Shepherd, manager of the Old Capitol Green project, told Ayesha K. Mustafaa over at the Mississippi Link that there are 4200 residential units waiting for downtown.


Does any sensible person believe this number? If that averages 3 people per unit, we're talking about 13,000 people itching to move downtown. Close to 10% of the city's population wants to relocate to an area with few local services. Really?

So, why are there nine empty buildings that can be had for a song and renovated to exploit this demand? What is holding back entrepreneurs from jumping on this? My suspicion is that all this bluster about high demand and exceedingly long waiting lists is a lot of talk. If anyone has evidence, I'd love to see it, but I won't be holding my breath.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps you need to go read or gain some knowledge. You look like a fool.

The dude gave you the definition that a metro area is both the urban and suburban area COMBINED.

It's sad to see some people that are so intent on arguing they can't see past their own ignorance, just for the sake of arguing.

Anonymous said...

Jacksonians should care about their city and force dramatic political+structural changes first before asking Mississippians for another bailout.

how Christian of you

meople said...

Surrounded = combined. I did not know that thanks. I sure would like to here your translation of the constitution or bible. I'll check back in a week to catch up on other new translations... Next step in arguing with a moron is spelling correction or grammar.

meople said...

And I could be interpreting his definition incorrectly. If so I apologize. Not one of those people who always have to be right. The moral to the story is if you don't understand what i am saying ask nicely or stick it up ur arse.

Anonymous said...

dude, you didn't know what a metropolitan area was from the get-go. the whole line of discussion was due to your ignorance

you didn't interpret his definition incorrectly, you didn't even know what the definition was

the moral of the story is that if you don't have a clue about 5th grade subject matter, just STFU

meople said...

Well I guess ill let you sit down and explain it to me in your own words genius... It sounds like a capital city might pass as one but I'm sure population has something to do with it mixed in with a little commerce. But Damn where does the suburbs stop and the "country" start or is the whole Damn country a metropolitan. Pretty sure its an adjective but you know I guess it could pass as an adverb. Please clear it up for me oh wise one.

Anonymous said...

1)Will someone please throw the 'red herring' flag on Ben Allen?

2)I've lived all over the state and never heard of a Speed family except here. Strange that none of them are related. But, another red herring there.

Anonymous said...

630. No one said the Speeds were not related. Jeff is Leland's nephew and if you knew Leland you would know his passion for downtown is bigger than some commission his nephew may or may not get.

Shadowfax said...

Aha! My suspicions are confirmed and my doubt of Speed's intentions is validated. "He's not his son! He's not his son!", cry the Speedists. (only the son of his brother).

Full disclosure is our friend.

Jockstrapper in 3 -2 -1........

Anonymous said...

8:11 = assurance from jockstrap.

Anonymous said...

903 You think Leland, at his age, stature and net worth is spending time on downtown for his nephew.

Anonymous said...

Who knows, Ben? Why don't YOU tell us?

Anonymous said...

In 1998, I was hired by SkyTel and the company moved me from Ohio to Madison. I spent two years working in downtown Jackson. There were some negatives but all in all, for an inner-city, it was enjoyable.

Now, the downtown area is a ghost town.

Something tells me that the city leaders were suffering from rectal-optosis (a malady defined as a crossing of the optic nerves with the rectal nerves: patient has a shitty outlook on life).

Anonymous said...

"The inner city was enjoyable" yet you chose not to live there or put your kids in school there. "Some negatives", indeed.

Am I correct to assume when you 'checked out the area' over the phone and internet you were advised to stay the hell away from living in Jackson and either move to Clinton, Brandon or Madison or did you just accidentally land in Madison?

Anonymous said...

In 1997 I was working for WorldCom on Amite Street. The senior management proposed buying the entire block of Amite/State/Capitol/President and converting it into a skyscraper that would be one of the tallest in the city. Immediately city leaders started demanding things like 25% minority contractors and creation of public green space and costly permits etc.

WorldCom built in Clinton. The old Amite St. block is no different than it was 20 years ago, just fewer tenants. Yes, WorldCom went belly up, but the behavior that caused them to flee is the same behavior that still inhibits Jackson.

People who think businesses are leaving because of racism are lying to themselves. Businesses are leaving because the current administration is hostile toward business, and there are people on the city council who are just plumb ignorant. Rectal-optosis abounds.

Add to that a workforce that is increasingly choosing to live outside the city limits and a lack of updated, modern office space in the city, and it's academic.

Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

"You take the King Edward. We're not going to make any money. We had to give away the sales taxes, we have to give away the property taxes and all these type things. ... I will take the King Edward if it never pays a dime in taxes ever."

- Ben Allen
- Kim Wade Program
- August 2010

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks 9:13. I AGREE.

Anonymous said...

Ben and others should make a trip to Greenville, SC and see what city leaders can do with a downtown area - when change is really desired. Of course, that would require a wholesale removal of the Jackson leaders (trying to not be profane here).

Downtown Greenville is full of shops restaurants.... You can even walk around at night without worrying about getting mugged or killed.

Shadowfax said...

2:26; You can walk around in Jackistan without being killed. If someone approaches you with a blade or firearm, all you need to do is inquire, "Do I KNOW you?" If he says 'NO', you're good to go.

Anonymous said...

Hell no I didn't just happen to "land" in Madison. No realtor in the area or nor anyone at SkyTel recommended Jackson as a place to live. But, I had 20/20 vision, so no one really had to explain that to me.

And yes, for an inner-city, Jackson did have a lot of decent places to eat, all within walking distance. Parking rates were a bit steep though.

I really liked the Fondren area; The homes there had style and class. But, it was too damn close to downtown Jackson for me.

And, although some have posted that the crime and killings are not "indiscriminate", I challenge anyone (who looks remotely prosperous) to walk around south or west or east Jackson at night (even in the daytime). If you do, make damn sure that your "last will and testament" is in order.

But, I guess I am just a racist...

Anonymous said...

Problem is February 8, 2013 at 2:26 PM that every time Prophet Ben takes his scout troop on the bus and goes to these other cities he comes back spouting the code words public-private partnership which means that the public puts in 90% of the money, the private member of the partnership reaps 90% of the profit and 90% of the indirect dollars the project is supposed to generate never materializes.

Jackson will go bankrupt before it sees any positive ROI on the hundreds of millions of dollars that have been squandered in the downtown money pit.

Anonymous said...

4:35 is a bona fide idiot. Prophet Ben took 54 to Chattanooga. I was one of them. What we learned is that a city deemed the "dirtiest city in America" in 1978, is now one of the coolest, because they didn't let mental midgets like you be the "vision" for the area. You are full of shit on your percentages. You are a classic CAVE person, as we were warned by Chattanoogans (Citizens Against Virtually Everything).

Make an appointment with Ben. He is a good guy. His number at DJP is 601 353 9800. I am sure he will be glad to meet with you.

Anonymous said...

Oh and 2:26, a group of us went to Greenville SC. Unreal what they have accomplished. Took vision, effort and consistency, but the town of 100,000 is absolutely incredible.

They had vocal critics as well, but the tenacity paid off. Problem is, people like 4:35 neever get out, look around and question. They just sit back, blog, criticize others and bitch. Obessed, OBSESSED they are.

Anonymous said...

I agree 4:55. Greenville is another world with well informed creatives that stuck to their guns. So many rubes in this hick ass state that I am genuinely surprised that people like Speed and Allen still tough it out trying to make things better. I guess some of these quitters are comfortable quitting.

Shadowfax said...

So, 4:55 (or should I call you Ben?), you seem to be saying if the bloggers would just get out of the way, Ben Allen could accomplish great things and Jackson would become another national success story.

Do a little research (you can wear your cheerleader uniform) and compare the FBI crime stats of those cities you mention with Jackson, MS. I also doubt Greenville, SC and Chattanooga shared Jackson's (and Hinds) type of elected leadership.

But, please, enough already with the blaming of Jackson's shithole status on people who recognize and point out the problems.

Anonymous said...

YAWN. Please grow UP. Grow UP. GROW UP. T

Anonymous said...

Wait, last time I checked there was a big project on Farish sitting in limbo and an ambitious Old Capitol Green project sitting in limbo and NINE empty buildings sitting unused. How the hell are people who come on here standing in the way? What are we doing? Criticizing, so that stops development?

Please, tell me what I can do? You people whine and cry and blame those of us with sense, but we're not stopping you from raising capital and convincing investors that downtown Jackson is a solid investment. Must I drive downtown, put a cash donation in the Farish St collection bucket, then pledge to go blues clubbin' once a week to ensure success?

Come on, Mr. Solution. Tell me how I'M holding these boondoggles up and what you would have me do to show my support? Come on.

Anonymous said...

9:32 the IBC loves this shithole. Other that stalk here all day and brag about your "4 companies" what do you DO to try and improve shortcomings?

Anonymous said...

What do you DO to try and improve shortcomings February 9, 2013 at 9:56 AM?

macteague said...

You can argue about crime stats, city leadership, schools, etc. until the cows come home – all of which, no doubt, have contributed in some way to the decline of downtown and Jackson in general. But irrespective of what got the city to this unfortunate place, when it comes to recovery, I believe that you have to look at the broader economic picture, which does not look good for Jackson.
The vitality of downtown Jackson is more closely tied to economic forces – growing companies and other entities that will occupy the real estate downtown – than it is to the general population. And, the economic base in Jackson can only support so much commercial real estate. There have been very few, if any, net increases to the number of companies making Jackson their home or significantly expanding any Jackson-based operations; therefore, the commercial real estate business is pretty much a zero-sum game. So, you have a bunch of shiny new buildings in Ridgeland with good infrastructure, retail and better tax picture, or you’ve got downtown Jackson with its aging real estate, crime, bad streets and high taxes. If you are one of the handful of companies left and making a decision on where to locate for the long-term, what do you do?
Case-in-point: Entergy. Entergy is actually one case where a company did, in fact, make the decision to go long in Jackson. After Katrina, they set up temporary operations in Clinton at Southpoint. After a couple of years, they decided to leave a bunch of people in the Jackson area – the transmission business unit, I believe. What did they do? They built two new buildings in the 220 business park area – not Ridgeland, but close.
The migration out of the city center began on a small scale a while back, but the most significant exodus has occurred in the past 7-8 years with the rise of Madison County for the most part. Interestingly, I believe that the Go Zone incentives following Katrina had a lot to do with this. Real estate developers and company/tenants accelerated the pace of new building to take advantage of the Go Zone incentives. I am aware of several enterprises that moved to Ridgeland for this very reason – either building themselves or purchasing fractional ownership in third-party-developed properties. The Pinnacle building developed by Parkway Properties was probably the only downtown project completed during this time. Other than Leland Speed, who was chairman of Parkway at the time, no one was willing to bet on downtown Jackson – even when federal tax incentives made construction of new property a very appealing use of capital.
For a revitalization of downtown Jackson to occur, there will have to be some significant economic growth. You are not going to get Regions, Butler Snow, Horne, Fox-Everett or any of the other companies/firms that have moved out of downtown to move back (notwithstanding all of the aforementioned barriers, there would be some significant negative tax consequences to doing so if they took advantage of the Go Zone incentives – it cuts both ways). It will take new blood and money to re-populate downtown Jackson. So, the big problem is that there really is no new blood and money coming into the city. Heaven forbid that anyone buys Trustmark and consolidates a lot of their operations to another city – that would well be the death-knell for downtown. Other than Trustmark, downtown is pretty much lawyers and government at this point.

Anonymous said...

But, please, enough already with the blaming of Jackson's shithole status on people who recognize and point out the problems.

February 8, 2013 at 9:32 PM

SF you go beyond pointing out problems but insist on tearing down others trying to help.

Anonymous said...

SF wants Jackson to fail and ridicules anyone fighting for her. He is the lowest of the low.

Anonymous said...

Take heart SFax; the snake oil salesmen at 9:56, 4:02 and 4:43 will always rail against those who won't buy their product. (To the tune of Green-Green-Grass of Home with John Caradine in a black longcoat, standing on the back of a chuck-wagon holding up a small brown bottle).

Anonymous said...

No one is "selling" anything except simply saying that working to make your city and state a better place to be is a good thing. If SF and YOU spent half of the time that you do RIDICULING on the positive, even you could make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Spending millions of taxpayers dollars chasing a failed strategy does not make the city and state a better place.

Anonymous said...

So predictable. Yawn. Get out more. Look around. Visit other cities. Ask questions. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Amazing....I was in and around various parts of Jackson this weekend and failed to see any "indiscriminate" gun fire. Since according to bloggers here, gunfire is widespread and random I was surprised I didn't see any. How about you SF, know anyone that was shot this weekend?

Anonymous said...

YAWN. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz.

Anonymous said...

Right on 9:05. Great point.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wanted to be 100. Leland rocks!

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS